Links to these Websites are below the listing
Administration on Aging
The Administration on Aging (AoA), an agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is one of the nation's largest providers of home- and community-based care for older persons and their caregivers. Their mission is to develop a comprehensive, coordinated and cost-effective system of long-term care that helps elderly individuals to maintain their dignity in their homes and communities. Their mission statement also is to help society prepare for an aging population.
The Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics (Forum) brings together Federal agencies that share a common interest in improving aging-related data. The Forum has played a key role by critically evaluating existing data resources and limitations, stimulating new database development, encouraging cooperation and data sharing among Federal agencies, and preparing collaborative statistical reports.
Department of Health and Human Services (CMS/AHRQ)
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is the United States government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, emphasizing those who are most vulnerable. They have over 300 programs, which include health and social science research, services to older Americans, Medicare, and Medicaid.
From the Center for Disease Control and the National Center for Health Statistics, the Faststats site provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance and is organized alphabetically. Links are provided to publications that include the statistics presented, to sources of more data, and to related Web pages.
National Center for Health Statistics
As the Nation’s principal health statistics agency, the National Center for Health Statistics compiles statistical information to guide actions and policies to improve the health of the American people. They are a unique public resource for health information–-a critical element of public health and health policy.
National Institute on Aging
The National Institute on Aging, one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of NIH, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. In 1974, Congress granted authority to form NIA to provide leadership in aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people. Subsequent amendments to this legislation designated the NIA as the primary Federal agency on Alzheimer’s disease research. Senior Citizens' Resources
This link goes to the Senior Citizens' Resources list on, an easy-to-search, free-access website designed to give you a centralized place to find information from U.S. local, state, and federal government agency websites.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Consolidated Human Activity Database
Consolidated Human Activity Database (CHAD) contains data obtained from pre-existing human activity studies that were collected at city, state, and national levels. CHAD is intended to be an input file for exposure/intake dose modeling and/or statistical analysis. CHAD is a master database providing access to other human activity databases using a consistent format. This facilitates access and retrieval of activity/and questionnaire information from those databases that EPA currently has access to-and-uses-in its various regulatory analyses undertaken by program offices.