Why Should I Get Certified?

Certification validates your knowledge and expertise

"Certification protects the public by enabling anyone to identify competent people more readily. Simultaneously it aids the profession by encouraging and recognizing professional achievement. Certification also recognizes specialization, enhances professionalism and, in some cases, serves as a criterion for financial reimbursement. It may also foster an enlarged role within the employment setting. Because certification of nursing practice signifies attainment of specific criteria and knowledge, skills, and abilities in a specific specialty field, certified nurses comprise a minority of the professional nurse population." (From American Nurses Credentialing -ANCC Web site)

Why Gerontological Nursing Certification?

Recognize the need for a certified workforce:

  • More then 50 percent of patients in hospitals are over 65
  • Yet, less then 1 percent of the nations 2.2 million registered nurses are certified in gerontology

What can Gerontological Certification do for you?

  • On-the-job success: provide high quality care to older adults
  • Be a credible resource for colleagues
  • Be a leader at your facility
  • Professional development and potential for increase in pay
  • Be a gerontological nurse leader in the nation

In addition to holding certification in your specialty - certification in geriatrics can enhance your knowledge base as you care for the booming population of older adults.
